Contract BVMW-IPA

Cooperation contract BVMW-IPA signed

The Qatari Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) and BVMW have signed a cooperation agreement

After long negotiations it is now clear: Starting 2023, BVMW will open a representative office in the heart of Doha for the entire GCC region.

For this purpose, a cooperation agreement was concluded with the semi-governmental Investment Promotion Agency (IPA). As a result, German medium-sized companies will have a contact person directly on site and will thereby receive easier access to the Qatari and GCC markets.

تواصل معنا

شركات ميتلستاند الألمانية
مكتب دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ذ.م.م.

برج تورنادو
الطابق الرابع عشر
المبنى رقم (17)
شارع مجلس التعاون
الخليج الغربي، الدوحة، قطر

Tel.: +974 4496 7567